



Hassle-free concierge shopping service for luxury designer brands.It started out simply as a love for handbags. We began selling to friends and soon people were asking for specific makes and models. Before we knew it, we were in the bag business! We realize handbags, shoes and accessories go hand in hand and we love them all! We have an eye for perfection and we certainly have a very high standard when it comes to quality and workmanship of the articles. We guarantee that all our items are brand new. We do not carry replicas, class A, 7 stars or whatever type of imitations there are in the market these days. We only sell genuine-100% authentic products. As you may have figured out, this is a labor of love. They say that if you have a job that you love, you will never work a day in your life. We love fashion… we love our job! We mean business, and when we say business we are working very hard to give you the best shopping experience we can provide.Your satisfaction is our number one priority. We work 7 days a week, so we are always available and happy to help. Our clients are the most important part of our business, and we want to hear from you. Whether you have suggestions about what kinds of items you would like to see or some way that you think we can improve the website, please write us! We operate out of the Philippines, and we have gained our expertise in fashion from our travels all over the globe. We’ve seen that people everywhere love designer bags, shoes and accessories and we will ship almost anywhere in the world.We are not wholesalers and quantity is not what we aim for, to us it is all about quality.





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