【實用通訊app】MadinaPhone 3|最夯免費app

【實用通訊app】MadinaPhone 3|最夯免費app


【免費通訊App】MadinaPhone 3-APP點子

Madina Phone, Platinum Dialer

PRESENTED BY. Madina Phone


【免費通訊App】MadinaPhone 3-APP點子

Madina Phone by itel Dialer is a simple sip client. By using this application users can make voip call easily.

The main features of this applications are-

• Making voip calls to supported gsm number and to other sip clients.

• Receiving a call from another sip clients.

【免費通訊App】MadinaPhone 3-APP點子

• Sending SMS to gsm numbers of supported countries and to other sip clients.

For using the main features the supporting features are-

• Viewing Call logs and making call from call logs.

• Viewing SMS logs and viewing previous sms and forward sms from the call log.

【免費通訊App】MadinaPhone 3-APP點子

• Viewing Topup logs.

• Viewing phone contacts to call a number from phonebook, send SMS and Topup.

This application is a VoIP application. So please check your network settings and make sure internet connection is available. If the network is not available then the application may exit after showing a message or just show connecting with server. in both cases please stop the application check your network connection and start it again.

To register this application you must set the correct Operator code at the first time you run the application and correct username and password from the setting menu. You can collect all of these from your service provider.

【免費通訊App】MadinaPhone 3-APP點子

免費玩MadinaPhone 3 APP玩免費

免費玩MadinaPhone 3 App

MadinaPhone 3 APP LOGO

MadinaPhone 3 LOGO-APP點子

MadinaPhone 3 APP QRCode

MadinaPhone 3 QRCode-APP點子
Google Play



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