【實用休閒app】Magic Koalas|最夯免費app

【實用休閒app】Magic Koalas|最夯免費app


【免費休閒App】Magic Koalas-APP點子

Rainbow wheels of Infinity drag us into the world of illusion while rare purple diamonds pull us into the human realm of earthly reality. If your mind drifts too much or, if you stop believing in magic, the scene will come to an end. Help the KJ hero traverse through a world of sixty-four optical illusions with magic think waves. Rekindle your sense of mystery about laws of physics, chemistry, astronomy, Modern-, Ancient- and Natural World Wonders. Traverse through the Human blood stream, inside of atoms and molecules, Earth's solar system, and outer galaxies. Imagine tastes, temperatures, and colors. Watch KJ count M. C. Escher drawings, spot moving paint splats on paper, follow magical letters jumping out of hats, move through moving light paintings and watch other fun visual effects unfold. Play the game to the end and receive several Koala Jo prizes!

Tilt your device to navigate Koala Jo dolls across the screen. Tap your finger on the screen to collect as many optical illusions as you can before time runs out. Collisions with infinity wheels and gems will force the current scene to start over and cost points. Tap Pause to place the game on hold. Several menus allow access to game information, sound settings, scores, unlocked scenes, gifts, and other games.

• Earn free, real-life gifts when playing the game to the the end!

【免費休閒App】Magic Koalas-APP點子

• Fetch amazing freebies at the end of the game (daily updates!)

【免費休閒App】Magic Koalas-APP點子

• Enjoy the lovable Koala Jo hero amongst awesome game graphics!

【免費休閒App】Magic Koalas-APP點子

• Experience the power of perseverance and delayed gratification!

【免費休閒App】Magic Koalas-APP點子

• Play with ease! This game was designed for any age (4 and up)!

【免費休閒App】Magic Koalas-APP點子

【免費休閒App】Magic Koalas-APP點子

【免費休閒App】Magic Koalas-APP點子

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