【實用教育app】Magic Puppet by BabyBus|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】Magic Puppet by BabyBus|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】Magic Puppet by BabyBus-APP點子

★★★★★★★Products of BabyBus★★★★★★★

★the most interactive and interesting entertaining cognitive products★

The magical puppet HD takes the form of a puppet to let your baby recognize each part of the human body, fun, and at the same time keeps the original design concepts of the products, cute cartoon characters, simple operation and easy-to-click settings, cheerful music, as well as the obvious incentives can attract the baby's attention, let your baby play and at the same time achieve enlightenment purposes.

【免費教育App】Magic Puppet by BabyBus-APP點子

● the first scene: The magical puppet appears, multi-directional drag and drop game mechanics.

● The second scene: choose the right features, get the models on stage well dressed.

【免費教育App】Magic Puppet by BabyBus-APP點子

● share your masterpiece, and bring happiness to more people.

● Equipped With Chinese, Japanese and English standard pronunciations and with different distinctive voices of the body parts.


【免費教育App】Magic Puppet by BabyBus-APP點子

▶design concepts:

We focus on inspiration, not just learning.

【免費教育App】Magic Puppet by BabyBus-APP點子

We focus on capacity-building, rather than a single cognition.

We focus on entertaining, rather than spoon-feeding teaching.

Take the baby bus, which is loaded with a happy childhood!

【免費教育App】Magic Puppet by BabyBus-APP點子


▶The series introduction:

【免費教育App】Magic Puppet by BabyBus-APP點子

BabyBus is the first brand in early childhood educational software (field of mobile Internet), which is developed specifically for preschoolers, and includes two series which are the Age(1-3) and the Age(3-6). The series of the Age(3-6) combines the main concepts of early childhood education for 3-6 year-old babies and covers the Cognition Pavilion, Brain Training, Art Center and other relevant categories, the applications of Age(3-6) are aimed at the development of the comprehensive cognitive abilities of the baby’s pedia, music, art, and the analytical thinking capabilities of the left and right brain.

Tips: In the search bar, enter "BabyBus" or " sinyee", to find all of our products.


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【内容】 「スマラー 歯科国試 完全攻略過去問12年 2013」は、歯科医師国家試験の過去問12年分(第95-106回)の全問題を収録した過去問集です。※注)第100-106回の7年分の過去問に関しましては、検索や抽出作業をより効率的に行えるよう、各問題に、科目分類データ・出題分野データと、病名や症 …

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