【實用個人化app】Magma Dragon Animated LWP|最夯免費app

【實用個人化app】Magma Dragon Animated LWP|最夯免費app


【免費個人化App】Magma Dragon Animated LWP-APP點子

"Magma Dragon Animated LWP" is an original and surprising live wallpaper.

Discover without further delay, the special touch effect named "Water Ripple Effect" and customize your phone screen with the beautiful Live Wallpaper.

Animation :

Your screen becomes water simply passing the finger over.

Touch or tap the screen for it becomes a water or a wave movement appears on the screen.

More you touch the screen, the greater water ripple effect is important.

After download:

Press long on the phone screen, choose the live wallpaper section and then choose your great new live wallpaper to set it on your screen.

or you can to follow theses instructions :

Home -> Menu -> Parameters -> Wallpapers -> Live Wallpapers

Live Wallpapers Settings :

Automatic Mode,

None mode : choose your background from four images,

【免費個人化App】Magma Dragon Animated LWP-APP點子

Battery mode: the background change in function of your battery level,

Day/Night mode: the background change in function of the time.


- Live Wallpaper,

- water ripples effects,

- multi-touch effect,

- support most resolutions including Android tablet,

- support landscape and portrait screen mode,

【免費個人化App】Magma Dragon Animated LWP-APP點子

- use 3D hardware to render images, save battery


This free application has a system of no intrusive ads. Our live wallpapers contain no icon ads and no notifications. Your phone will not be subject to any virus.

All the permissions are required only for the ads and are handled by trusted providers.

This live wallpaper has been tested on latest devices such as Samsung Galaxy S3, S4, Nexus 7, HTC Desire S, Sony Xperia S and Asus Prime Transformer.

Don't hesitate to contact us by Email, if your phone is not supported or if you encounter any problems. We will respond to your request as quickly as possible.

免費玩Magma Dragon Animated LWP APP玩免費

免費玩Magma Dragon Animated LWP App

Magma Dragon Animated LWP APP LOGO

Magma Dragon Animated LWP LOGO-APP點子

Magma Dragon Animated LWP APP QRCode

Magma Dragon Animated LWP QRCode-APP點子
Google Play



---此应用程序需要安装GO输入法---在您下载我们的主题,按“打开”按钮,之后“应用”和“成交!”. ---要使用自定义的字体包括长按“? 123“键,进入”高级设置“中,选择”字体设置“,然后”扫描字体“,并有天使翅膀的键盘就可以选择字体. 欲了解更多详情,请参阅最后截图/视频演示. ---如果 …
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