



An underwater photographic adventure to inspire and inform where to see and swim with the Florida Manatee.This app takes you on a visual journey to the freshwater springs and rivers that illustrate the legendary mermaids life and style at home. Secret moments caught and shared to inspire you to see these natural treasures.This application, through artistic views is a guide map aimed at those who want experience manatees. Whether you want to get wet next time your in Florida or prefer to stay dry. It provides information on where to go see and swim with Florida’s manatees.For those who want to see manatees like you never have.Before you go to Florida, to see Mickey or not, make sure you get this app!This app contains:* manatee introduction* specie description* a story about manatees* 60 manatee photos by Todd Essick* Florida map with manatee topspots* manatee links* more about Todd Essick





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