【實用生活app】Mandala Game|最夯免費app

【實用生活app】Mandala Game|最夯免費app


【免費生活App】Mandala Game-APP點子

It's like a game. Personalize and color your Mandala Test mandala and you'll have an immediate insight into who you are, what you are looking for, and your life projects regarding both your working and your personal life.Mandala Game is easy, fun to use and revealing. Choose and match your colors. Simply create a mandala you like and you will discover your aptitudes, your potential and your areas of improvement.Once you have created your mandala, you can save, archive and share it.Mandalas are a part of many spiritual traditions used since time immemorial around the world to strengthen the “here and now” concept in your quest for personal wellness. They represent your personal characteristics in the exact same moment you create them, hence mandalas are changeable in time.They aim at making you focus on yourself in order to find your inner balance, and they help you discover your aptitudes and personal potential. They are not abstract indicators of your personality, but a representation of your personal characteristics and they can be created again and again to keep up with the changes and developments in your life.Mandala Game is an app developed by sevenhi-network, a research group with a 360 degree approach to the world of work and to personal affinity, that was born in mod-o coworking in 2010.

【免費生活App】Mandala Game-APP點子

【免費生活App】Mandala Game-APP點子

【免費生活App】Mandala Game-APP點子

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