【實用商業app】Manly Pool|最夯免費app

【實用商業app】Manly Pool|最夯免費app


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Located on the foreshore of Brisbane, Manly Pool is a great place to cool off. There's a wading pool with play features for the kids, a 25 metre outdoor pool with an access ramp and slide, and a pool kiosk. The pool offers learn to swim classes and squad swimming. We appreciate our customers and know that your time is valuable so we wanted to give you an App that makes it easy for you to access our products and services whenever you want and from wherever you are. Now you can access all of the great features that you love about our business from our App, including access to functions such as: • Catalogue of our Products and Services • E-Commerce Links • Live Booking Calendar • Loyalty Reward Program • Easy Contact Options • Links to our Social Media sites • Preferred Customer Offers

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