【實用天氣app】Marine Forecaster|最夯免費app

【實用天氣app】Marine Forecaster|最夯免費app


【免費天氣App】Marine Forecaster-APP點子

If you are a frequent mariner, you want all the important details at a glance! You do not want to translate the satellite images, nor to interpretive the data of the relative factors! What you need is a clear, accurate text written marine data. That is excactly what MarineForecaster provide the user.

The list of things shown on this screen, in order, is:

• 3 days forecasting

【免費天氣App】Marine Forecaster-APP點子

• Sunrise & Sunset

• Weather conditions, like Sunny, Clear, Cloudy, etc

• Wind Direction

【免費天氣App】Marine Forecaster-APP點子

• Danger level warning with breeze intensity (Beaufort Scale)

• Current date

• Temperature

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• Wind speed

• Water temperature

• Humidity

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• Wave height

• Swell height

• Swell direction

【免費天氣App】Marine Forecaster-APP點子

• Swell period

• Pressure

• Visibility

【免費天氣App】Marine Forecaster-APP點子

There is also a “Detailed Stats” button to get more stats. Once the detailed stats button is pressed, some of the data listed on the previous activity opens on graphs separated in ViewPagers. The data is plotted over time and the user can view it in a nice environment.

If you are a frequent mariner looking for information on the latest marine conditions worldwide we are continually working hard in order to provide you with accurate and up-to-date marine weather reports. We aim to deliver accurate and up to date marine weather reports to users around the world through our application.

Marine Forecaster with the assistance of World Weather Online, is dedicated to providing global marine weather forecast. Our partner currently operates two high-tech weather data centers; one situated in Denmark and the other in Germany. They also have dedicated team members working in the UK, USA and India in order to make sure that given information stays as current as possible and delivers the best possible service to all our users.

【免費天氣App】Marine Forecaster-APP點子

They have developed their own weather forecasting model which delivers reliable and accurate weather information for any geo-point in the world. Their weather model is run along with other metrological models like European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, World Meteorological Organization, NASA weather satellite imagery, NOAA GFS2 model and JMA model for research and training purposes and deliver the most accurate weather forecast possible.

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