【實用生產應用app】Market Checkout Manager|最夯免費app

【實用生產應用app】Market Checkout Manager|最夯免費app


【免費生產應用App】Market Checkout Manager-APP點子

Synchronize all your orders from Google Checkout.

Options (some options need to buy the key to unlocking)

- Use the system account management android (user name and password are not stored in the application)

- Synchronizing multiple accounts

- Detailed display by application, day, week, month and year

- Group type orders (more readeable)

- Set text size

【免費生產應用App】Market Checkout Manager-APP點子

- Set fees

- Update period with long click

- Option to show/hide notifications

- Option to add vibration on finish or on new orders

- Option to hide currency symbol

- Option to round amount

【免費生產應用App】Market Checkout Manager-APP點子

- Send log (for debug)

Sorry but Google does not provide APIs for developers with no traditional merchant account Google Checkout (no Merchant Key)!

WARNING! If you have over 500 orders per day you will be unable to use this software, in fact Google Checkout limit each request, 500 command data extraction.

The use of an external script has been removed, you can still use the old version available at: http://www.rafoid.com/market/

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免費玩Market Checkout Manager App

Market Checkout Manager APP LOGO

Market Checkout Manager LOGO-APP點子

Market Checkout Manager APP QRCode

Market Checkout Manager QRCode-APP點子
Google Play