



The official "Markyroson" mobile application is now on Android! View the latest playlist updates and more direct from Markyroson. Use #markyrosonapp to talk about this app on twitter!



Due to recent comments we have decided to add this section relating to this app's purpose. The purpose of this app is to provide information and essentially be a hub of information about our youtube, Markyroson, made accessible to the user in one, user friendly, and convenient space.

-PLAYLISTS: Interested in only watching certain types of videos? View playlists like "GTA V (Grand Theft Auto 5)", "Watch_Dogs Walkthrough", "Popular Videos", and "Marky Adventures". (More to be added shortly)

-STORE: Get direct access to Markyroson's Spreadshirt store so you can purchase Markyroson branded merchandise and clothing.

-LIVE UPDATING: This app has live update so that we can provide you with our newest videos without having to update the app version. This feature has replaced the in-app video viewer (at least for the time being) and is more practical to maintain etc.

-PUSH-NOTIFICATIONS: This app features push notifications to notify you when a new video is released and just all around news. The video notifications will, when tapped, redirect you to the in-app web browser to view the video. Some notifications when tapped however will just redirect you to the app itself.

DISCLAIMER: Features of this app do require internet and therefore may cost you data if not connected to wireless internet (WI-FI). We can not and will not be held accountable to any data expenditures as we have already warned you. This app only uses the internet if you use the features that require it and if you are disconnected will still function to a varying degree (but live updates require internet connection).

免費玩Markyroson APP玩免費

免費玩Markyroson App

Markyroson APP LOGO

Markyroson LOGO-APP點子

Markyroson APP QRCode

Markyroson QRCode-APP點子
Google Play


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