【實用教育app】Massage Certification Prep|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】Massage Certification Prep|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】Massage Certification Prep-APP點子

Looking to ace your Massage Therapist certification exam?

Upward Mobility can help! Our Massage Therapist Certification Exam Prep app contains 240 original, professionally written practice questions with explanatory answers, covering topics on major massage therapist certification exams, such as the NCETMB Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork exam and the NCBTMB Board Certification Exam. Question categories include:


Massage Application, including eastern and western modalities

Client Assessment

【免費教育App】Massage Certification Prep-APP點子

Body Systems


Standards and Practices

Our intuitive app interface lets you jump right into preparing for your test!

Use STUDY MODE to go through questions at your own place, assimilating explanations and focusing on your need-to-know areas.

Or jump into TEST MODE to simulate a timed testing environment, and see how you do with aggregate and question-by-question results.

Study anytime, anywhere, with Upward Mobilty's on-the-go Massage Therapist Certification Exam Prep app!

【免費教育App】Massage Certification Prep-APP點子

Disclaimer: Upward Mobility is an independent test preparation company, and is unaffiliated with The National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork, of which NCETMB is a registered trademark.


Upward Mobility is an independent test-preparation apps company that creates high quality material that is witty and engaging, perfect for on-the-go students and ambitious professionals. All of our content is developed exclusively for Upward Mobility by writers who are subject matter experts and undergoes a thorough review process.

We are a double bottom line company that is committed to education in the developing world. Some of the profits will be used to deploy education via mobile phone in emerging countries to improve their total factor productivity growth.

【免費教育App】Massage Certification Prep-APP點子

Customer satisfaction is our top priority, and if you have any questions or comments or are unsatisfied with our products in any way, please contact us at info@upwardpro.com and we will do our best to help you.

【免費教育App】Massage Certification Prep-APP點子

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