【實用解謎app】Match Button - 4 games in one|最夯免費app

【實用解謎app】Match Button - 4 games in one|最夯免費app


【免費解謎App】Match Button - 4 games in one-APP點子

Match Button is a simple and fun set of sweet puzzle games for all ages. Mr Match Button (yes, Match is his name) has 4 button shops (four different game modes). He asks you to help in arranging his buttons. If you are clever and hard-working, he will be very happy and has a lot of bonuses and achievements for you. If you make a mistake, he will be very sad.

1. In England - remove all buttons. Mark buttons in the same color and shape which are in a line (horizontal, vertical or at an angle). In the line may be a gap.

【免費解謎App】Match Button - 4 games in one-APP點子

2. In France - mark paths of neighboring buttons in the same shape and color (horizontal, vertical or at an angle). If you mark at least 7 buttons you achieve one of the extra bonuses. The more buttons you mark, the higher the score.

3. In Japan - tap and slide the adjacent buttons to form groups of 3 or more buttons of the same shape and color in a row or in a column. Matching four or more buttons spawns special "bonus" buttons.

4. In Italy - pop groups of neighboring buttons of the same shape and color (adjacent vertically or horizontally). The faster you pop and the bigger groups you eliminate, the more points you earn. If you mark at least 8 buttons you obtain one of the extra bonuses (the buttons you started marking from will get bonus). If you make a mistake you will lose some time.

Collect points and achievements and share your score online!

【免費解謎App】Match Button - 4 games in one-APP點子

Beware: this game is really addictive: your child will enjoy this game for sure.

- four game modes with different rules,

【免費解謎App】Match Button - 4 games in one-APP點子

- not only for kids, but also for parents,

【免費解謎App】Match Button - 4 games in one-APP點子

- simple rules, similar to the "jewel" games,

【免費解謎App】Match Button - 4 games in one-APP點子

- colorful, sweet graphics,

【免費解謎App】Match Button - 4 games in one-APP點子

- relaxing, attractive and addictive gameplay,


- online, global high score table.

This game supports also HD resolution and it has sound disabled by default.

免費玩Match Button - 4 games in one APP玩免費

免費玩Match Button - 4 games in one App

Match Button - 4 games in one APP LOGO

Match Button - 4 games in one LOGO-APP點子

Match Button - 4 games in one APP QRCode

Match Button - 4 games in one QRCode-APP點子
Google Play


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