



Notice: This application requires an ongoing subscription to MatchMD. Use of this app provides full MatchMD functionality (including delivery notification) to the iPhone. Prior to downloading this app, (1) the user’s MatchMD profile must be modified by selecting “iPhone” as the paging device and (2) the iPhone operating system must be version 3.1 or higher. ********************************** OverviewMatchMD provides rapid, efficient and documented text communication between hospital/office staff and their physicians. Key features of MatchMD include:• Internet-based technology: No need for new hardware or software.• Device options: Communicate with 2-way pagers and/or text-capable cell phones.• Rapid communication: Messages can be sent, received and replied to in a matter of minutes.• Documentation: Every MatchMD message is recorded with a date and time stamp. Past messages are archived and easily retrieved should later review be necessary.• Response authentication: Physician replies can include electronic authentication allowing the response to be treated as a signed order ready for the medical record. BenefitsMatchMD is fast• The correct on-call clinician can be determined with a few mouse clicks.• Text messages can be delivered and replies returned in a matter of minutes.• When paging a critical care rapid response team, MatchMD contacts all team members simultaneously leading to dramatically reduced response times. MatchMD is efficient• Immediate access to MatchMD requires nothing more than maintaining an active browser window on your computer screen.• With an appropriate logon/password combination, on-call schedules can be modified from any computer or smartphone with internet access. Schedule changes appear immediately.• When a recipient is out of range, MatchMD will repeatedly transmit the sent message. Delivery occurs automatically once the recipient’s device is back in range. MatchMD documents and archives all messages• All MatchMD messages are time stamped. This includes when the message was sent, when it was delivered to the paging device and when the reply was received.• Past messages are archived and easily retrieved should later review be necessary. MatchMD can provide electronic signature authentication• The electronic signature authentication feature provides validation that a physician’s response is authentic and originated from his/her paging device.• Coupled with appropriate hospital protocols, electronic signature authentication can obviate the need for a subsequent hand-written signature.





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