【實用通訊app】McAfee Contacts Monitor|最夯免費app

【實用通訊app】McAfee Contacts Monitor|最夯免費app


【免費通訊App】McAfee Contacts Monitor-APP點子


Now with Smart-watch support! Sync your watch to get notified when a contact changes status and in select devices (like Samsung Galaxy Gear II) even the same attributes that are available on the phone will appear. Available from version 1.1 onward. Check it out!

【免費通訊App】McAfee Contacts Monitor-APP點子


Many times we ignore calls from loved ones, some times because it may be interrupting, or it can make us feel embarrassed, or feeling we are being controlled. Some other times, we just don't have the phone with us or it's muted. This generates worry and anxiety on the caller, and as a result, they call again and things get worse.

McAfee Contacts Monitor is a one of a kind service that provides context insights of your loved ones such as macro location, ringer volume, battery level and availability, so we can realize whether it’s a proper time to call or not. And even if they don't answer, we can be able to understand the reason.

Key Usages:

-In a meeting? Flip your phone down to show up as "busy" so others don't interrupt.

【免費通訊App】McAfee Contacts Monitor-APP點子

-Avoid "Text and Drive" by looking for the car icon on the activity monitor

-Understand why others aren't returning your calls (low battery, driving, busy, etc...) and enable the "Watch" option to get notifications when they become available again.


【免費通訊App】McAfee Contacts Monitor-APP點子

1-It doesn't interrupt, because the context sensors engine works standalone, without any user intervention, you don't have to set your status manually.

2-It doesn't embarrass you, It’s quiet, it doesn't ring or send notifications, so others won’t be able to tell when someone is checking on you.

【免費通訊App】McAfee Contacts Monitor-APP點子

3-It doesn't make you feel controlled, everybody uses the same app so and sees the same information, there aren't any hierarchies like in geo-tracking apps.

4-And finally, it won’t invade your privacy because it’s context smart, it doesn't require to expose private information to let others see that you are fine.

Currently Tracked Context Attributes:

【免費通訊App】McAfee Contacts Monitor-APP點子

-Macro location: city and country

-Battery level: as a percentage, with an indication of low battery when applicable

【免費通訊App】McAfee Contacts Monitor-APP點子

-Ringer mode: vibrate, normal, silent

-Person activity: in a vehicle, sedentary, walking

-Phone accessibility: on sight, away, busy

Get McAfee Contacts Monitor, peace of mind at your fingertips!

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