



This app is the first medical news-generating app especially developed for the healthcare professional. The free app can be used to generate a relevant news selection, specified to your field of expertise, from thousands of international medical resources. The resources MedZine uses are selected by a medical editorial board and consist of prominent scientific journals, occupational societies and other leading medical websites.

MedZine enables the specialist to easily create a personal, virtual magazine through selecting one or more of the 47 medical specialties. It is continuously and automatically replenished with the most recent news in your fields of interest. The magazine lay-out allows you to comfortably flip through the pages and directly read and share articles. In addition, MedZine generates Popular and Recommended articles sections for you by using semantic searching.

Furthermore, it is very easy to share articles with your colleagues via email, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter! Do you want to read an article again at a later date? Save these articles simply by bookmarking them. You can add a response to each article and you can give a rating.

This app is developed by the independent medical publisher Medix Publishers B.V.

MedZine: personalized healthcare medical professional news for you!












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