【實用教育app】Memory Pairs|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】Memory Pairs|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】Memory Pairs-APP點子

Memory Pairs is a simple and accessible “matching pairs” type game, ideal for young children and learners with special educational needs. It has a clear interface for easy touch selection; simply touch the card to turn it over to see the picture and then try to find its matching pair. Memory Pairs can also be accessed using one or two switch scanning.Clear and recognisable graphics from Inclusive Technologys’ SwitchIt! Extra range of software are used, covering a range of interesting and fun topics.Memory Pairs is simple to set up; just use touch or enable one or two switch scanning. Select the number of cards to be displayed, then select from one of the six picture sets and start to play. Touch or scan and select the cards with your switch to see the picture. If you get a match they stay visible and once you match them all you receive a reward.The clear and simple presentation together with the accessibility of this matching pairs game makes it ideal for use with children with special needs.• Play by touch or select one switch or two switch scanning.• Choose to display 4, 6, 8, or 12 cards.• Pick one of the six picture sets: farm, transport, dinosaurs, sports, wildlife or gadgets.• Clear and recognisable pictures for easy recognition. Great for language development.• Interface and switches required for switch access, supports all currently available switch interfaces.

【免費教育App】Memory Pairs-APP點子

【免費教育App】Memory Pairs-APP點子

【免費教育App】Memory Pairs-APP點子

【免費教育App】Memory Pairs-APP點子

免費玩Memory Pairs APP玩免費

免費玩Memory Pairs App

Memory Pairs APP LOGO

Memory Pairs LOGO-APP點子

Memory Pairs APP QRCode

Memory Pairs QRCode-APP點子
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