【實用遊戲app】Minesweeper Cat|最夯免費app

【實用遊戲app】Minesweeper Cat|最夯免費app


【免費遊戲App】Minesweeper Cat-APP點子

3D Minesweeper, with a cat.Pinch/Slide to navigate, tap a square to flag, and tap an empty square with a number to "explode" the rest, if they are flagged.Has replay functionality.Has the 3 classic difficulty and even harder ones as well. Also comes with special challenge levels.It's all in 3D.No in-app purchases, no nagging.Pretty addictive, if I do say so myself. This app has slight stress relieving effects. This app may also have positive effect on your mood, and can improve your concentration. Studies suggest that playing minesweeper with cats can improve your skin complexion and vitalize your health.Cats are known to bring luck, so you are more likely to experience good luck after playing this game.

【免費遊戲App】Minesweeper Cat-APP點子

【免費遊戲App】Minesweeper Cat-APP點子

【免費遊戲App】Minesweeper Cat-APP點子

【免費遊戲App】Minesweeper Cat-APP點子

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Minesweeper Cat APP LOGO

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Minesweeper Cat APP QRCode

Minesweeper Cat QRCode-APP點子
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