



Mnemometer is for learners.

It optimizes the learning process, and provides a natural learning.

It makes you remember %90 of the information you've learned, till you die.

It organizes our repetition schedules in order to achive maximum efficieny with a minimum time allocation for repetitions.

-----What is the Logic Behind?-----

In 1885, H. Ebbingaus, German psychologist, published his groundbreaking work “Memory. A Contribution to Experimental Psychology”.

His most famous finding, the forgetting curve, describes the exponential loss of information that one has learned.

He formulated his finding as the following:

R: remaining information, 0S: relative strength of memory


t: time


According to this mathematical model of forgeting;

- As time passes, R is decreasing.


- After repetition, S increases and R is completed to 1.

- Also, after repetition, rate of fall is decreased because of the increase in S.

Importance of this finding:


1- If we don’t repeat what we have learned, we forget about %70 of the information in 24 hours.

2- In order to get maximum efficieny, we should make repetitions in logarithmic time scale.

Our repetition habits are not natural for the brain. We need a new repetition system.

Mnemometer is a device that organizes our repetition schedules in order to achive maximum efficieny with a minimum time allocation for repetitions. It optimizes the learning process, and provide a natural learning.

Suggest Mnemometer to your FRIENDS, but never to your COMPETITORS.

-----How to Use?-----

1) You can add new memory which is composed of the Course/Lecture name (as Title) and brief notes about the lecture such as page numbers from the book and/or mnemonics (as Content).

2) You can see all entries and their date of initiations from the Storage tab. You can also delete entries by long click on them.

3) You can see the remaining times for repetition of each item from the Memory tab.

If the remaining time t is less than 1 hour, color of that item becomes red. If 1You can repeat the items by long click. After repetition, Mnemometer calculates the next repetition time. We recommend you to make your repetitions in ±1 hour region around the optimal time. However, if you have to make earlier or later than this region, you can make a repetition. Mnemometer calculates the error, and organizes the new schedule.

From the button at the right bottom corner, you can adjust the remaining time interval in which you want to display the entries.

4) Mnemometer also gives you a notification when 1 hour left for optimal repetition.

NOTE: The algorithm behind the Mnemometer has been used by photographic memory champions for more than a decade. It is solid and effective. If you follow the recommended repetition times, after 6 repetition, you can save %90 of the information for your lifetime. However, it may take a few weeks to get used.


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