【實用商業app】Mobxcast Admin(SMS Broadcast)|最夯免費app

【實用商業app】Mobxcast Admin(SMS Broadcast)|最夯免費app


【免費商業App】Mobxcast Admin(SMS Broadcast)-APP點子

Mobxcast is a ground-breaking smartphone-based SMS broadcasting agent. Ideal for road warriors who are constantly on the move, Mobxcast allows SMSes to be sent during commute and in between meetings. There is no longer a need to be physically in front of a computer terminal to trigger broadcast messages. Mobxcast takes full advantage of the capabilities of modern smartphone technologies and make modem-based PCs a relic. Messages may be triggered immediately or scheduled at a later time from the palm of your hands any time anywhere.

The SMS broadcast scheduled in Mobxcast Admin will be triggered and message will be sending out to recipient via Mobxcast Agent for broadcasting (Android only http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.appxcraft.mobxcast). Setup one now if you haven't.

Key Features:

• It comes with seamless interface to SearchDNC (http://www.searchdnc.sg) to check the phone number before blasting for compliance with DNC registry. (Singapore Only)

【免費商業App】Mobxcast Admin(SMS Broadcast)-APP點子

• Remote and mobile Scheduling, Reporting.

• Subscription management for formatting outgoing SMSes and automated handling of UNsubscribe requests.

【免費商業App】Mobxcast Admin(SMS Broadcast)-APP點子

• Remote and mobile management of broadcast contact list, exclusion list

免費玩Mobxcast Admin(SMS Broadcast) APP玩免費

免費玩Mobxcast Admin(SMS Broadcast) App

Mobxcast Admin(SMS Broadcast) APP LOGO

Mobxcast Admin(SMS Broadcast) LOGO-APP點子

Mobxcast Admin(SMS Broadcast) APP QRCode

Mobxcast Admin(SMS Broadcast) QRCode-APP點子
Google Play


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