



It is a hit to publication. Mokujiki is Satoshi who carved the Buddha in the trip of Japanese 廻国 for the people of a mountain village. The trip began from 56 years old, and it continued until it sank at the age of 93. It is from 61 years old to have began to carve the Buddha, and when turning 80 years old, it is being begun to engrave from with one masterpiece after another. And he is Noriyuki while protecting 木喰戒 which does not eat five cereals and salt. It was the superhuman whole life which imagination does not attach to a man of today, either. In the present age when faith is being lost, it is difficult to find out definite aim in life for long old age. Learning in the way of life of Mokujiki which began to carve a Buddha statue after passing over the its sixtieth birthday, made it 90 years old, and attained 造仏 of 1000 bodies will surely lead to regaining the abundance of the heart. The footprint of Mokujiki has reached all over the country from Hokkaido to Kyushu. and Mokujiki -- a Buddha statue -- a mountain -- a deep colony is small -- it was 堂宇に-fond, and carved and left. They are visited and 廻る requires considerable time and physical strength. Furthermore, if becoming it having heavy movie camera material, even though the photography line is less than the labor of Mokujiki, of course, it must be ready for remarkable difficulty. It is based on such a reason that realization was difficult for, looking forward to a photograph collection full-scale until now. This book publishes a little more than 80 Mokujiki-Butsu photoed with the writing technology in which veteran fine-arts cameraman Ikuo Terashima excelled in an all color. Probably, this time will carry out the photograph collection of Mokujiki-Butsu photoed by the one cameraman first, and it will be the last. A researcher is a final edition of the Mokujiki-Butsu photograph collection of a lover handbook from the first.





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