【實用角色扮演app】Monster High Spa Makeup|最夯免費app

【實用角色扮演app】Monster High Spa Makeup|最夯免費app


【免費角色扮演App】Monster High Spa Makeup-APP點子

If you are monster high fans. This app is for you. You can learn about how to make up and dress up monster high characters

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Clawdeen is the daughter of a werewolf; She is covered with fur, with two piercings in each of her pointed wolf ears. Her pet is a tiny cat named Crescent.

【免費角色扮演App】Monster High Spa Makeup-APP點子

Dare to enter in Clawdeen 's haunted castle, be her stylista and give her a totally new Gothic dress up!

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Before styling you must make beauty treatments range from facials, massage, bodywraps and waxing thus providing the perfect preparation for Halloween

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App consists of 3 levels;

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- 1. level : pimple popping, acne blasting, washing-up, peeling, steam inhalation, facial massage

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- 2. level : eye shadow, eyelashes, lipstick, foundation, eyebrow, eyeliner, blush, colored, lenses, piercing, mascara

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- 3. level: hair effects, dress, oversleeve, wrap, handbags, earring, plentiful shoes, glasses, She needs some accessories, so make sure you pick out the ones that best complement the chosen outfit! Let your imagination go crazy, so she can enjoy a total dress up from you. Enjoy!

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- Finally : Take a screenshot for your photo album and restart new monster mania This app is totally free to download and play. Enjoy!

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Are you ready? Play this Monster High styled game and enjoy a large number of dresses, wings, hairstyles, bracelets, bags and many others! Girls will just love them and enjoy playing make up, hairstyle and dress up style game. Protect yourself from the scary eyes of Crescent (ghoul cat )

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Enjoy the most luxury and complete make up and dress up app!

Create your own gorgeous extreme horrendous models in your style

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