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【實用遊戲app】Monsters of Rock|最夯免費app


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“I cannot say enough good things about this amazing interactive story.”- The iPhone Mom’s review of book #2 in the Luna Kettlebottom series Luna Red Riding Hood“This interactive storybook is very creatively done. Each page has something for the reader to engage in to make them a part of the story.”-Multi-Testing Mommy’s review of Book #1 in the Luna Kettlebottom series Vlad And The BeanstalkThe best storybooks you and your child will ever play!What do you do when your doggie is lost? You do whatever it takes to find him! When Woofie fails to return from the Luna Red Riding Hood adventure, Luna, Ghoulia, Vlad and Howl jump right back into the Magic Cauldron – and into adventure – to find him.Adventure, comedy and fun follow as our kids are transported into the world of The Bremen Town Musicians in order to find their furry friend. Can the kids of the Magic Cauldron Society use their musical skills to rescue Woofie from the Ogres?Much more than just a book, you and your young readers become part of the story and actively participate on every page.•Fun adaption of a classic story•Your child actively helps our gang get through the story...our books are engaging experiences that support reading skills•Hidden treats on every page•Perfect for kids 4-8 years old•Fun for parents too!Note that Bremen Town Monsters of Rock is 100% free but includes an unlockable Simon-style game for $.99. Our mission is to promote and encourage literacy – hence the three free Luna books – but we also well understand that sometimes kids need to just play. We hope that you will kindly support us by spending 99 cents on the Monster Jam game that extends our richly drawn storybook into a musical fun game experience.Please help us spread the word – and get yourself the latest Luna updates – by:1.Kindly writing a review below2.Liking Luna on Facebook3.Following Luna on twitterYou can also get the first two Luna books -- Vlad And The Beanstalk and Luna Red Riding Hood – as well as the great Luna game Cauldron Chaos in the App Store.

【免費遊戲App】Monsters of Rock-APP點子

【免費遊戲App】Monsters of Rock-APP點子

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手指大作战 !

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Push The Buttons

Ray Bear is lost in the woods trying to find all his toys. Help him return home by completing the levels and collecting all his toys in the Cabinet.•• …
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