【實用旅遊app】Mont Saint-Michel Tour Guide|最夯免費app

【實用旅遊app】Mont Saint-Michel Tour Guide|最夯免費app


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Mont Saint-Michel also known as le mont saint michel is an island commune in Normandy, France. It is serenly located at the mouth of the Couesnon River near Avranches. The reason it is called Mont Saint Michel is because since the 8th century it has been the seat of the Monastery and is best known for the strategic fortications. It is undoubtedly one of the most recognisable landmarks in France making it a must on the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites.

【免費旅遊App】Mont Saint-Michel Tour Guide-APP點子

Mont Saint-Michel Tour Guide by Guiddoo is a detailed and all-inclusive Audio-Visual Travel guide for those travelers who are planning to visit this iconic monument. It has all that a traveler would need & allows you to get up close & personal with this iconic monument through the interactive Mont Saint-Michel Step by Step Travel Guide.

【免費旅遊App】Mont Saint-Michel Tour Guide-APP點子

Planning and reaching France to visit The Mont Saint-Michel can be a difficult task to perform however The Mont Saint-Michel Tour Guide helps travelers do this with great ease by offering Mont Saint-Michel Tickets, Mont Saint-Michel Personal Tours and Packages, Hotels and Restaurants around Mont Saint-Michel along with a lot of other useful information.

【免費旅遊App】Mont Saint-Michel Tour Guide-APP點子

What does it offer you?

【免費旅遊App】Mont Saint-Michel Tour Guide-APP點子

• Complete Interactive step-by-step tour guide

【免費旅遊App】Mont Saint-Michel Tour Guide-APP點子

• Key attractions in Audio and Video Guide Format

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• Trivia and History for Mont Saint-Michel

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• Image and Video Gallery

• Tourist information like Mont Saint-Michel Opening and Closing Times, Directions, Places of Interest like Hotels and Restaurants and a lot more.

Know all about the Mont Saint-Michel even before you arrive at this place as well as use it as a travel tool while visiting France. This quintessential Guiddoo Mont Saint-Michel Tour Guide will prove to be your perfect partner when you visit this iconic monument in France.

To Download the FREE Complete Guiddoo AV Tour Guide, Visit Below:


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