【實用個人化app】MontCo Emergency|最夯免費app

【實用個人化app】MontCo Emergency|最夯免費app


【免費個人化App】MontCo Emergency-APP點子

*** The county feed from which the data is drawn is currently upgrading their software. Because of this the app is not showing the live incidents. When their upgrade is completed we will be able to once again provide the incidents. The radio feeds are still functioning properly. ***

Multiple radio feeds let you listen to all emergency responders in Mongomery County. Feeds include Police, Fire, and EMS through both county dispatch and fireground operations.

MontCo Emergency geolocates live emergency incident responses for Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Find the location and description of current fire, EMS, and traffic incidents.

Scanner feature lets you listen to the events as they unfold. While listening, MontCo shows you where the incident is, describes what is happening, and provides the details of who is involved.

MontCo Emergency also provides invaluable information while travelling. By knowing the location of potential traffic problems, you can plan your route to avoid the possible delays.

【免費個人化App】MontCo Emergency-APP點子

Features include:

- Access to multiple live radio streams for Police, Fire, and EMS in Montgomery County, PA

- Map showing current location of all fire, ems, and traffic incidents

- Popup window showing type of incident and responding units

- List view of all current emergency incidents with a list of first responders, their location and the response time

【免費個人化App】MontCo Emergency-APP點子

- Push notifications notify you of important events.

- Information is automatically refreshed every two minutes so that you can follow the information as it changes and know when the emergency has cleared.

- Incident coded graphics indicate the type and location of incident.

- Detail window describing the nature of the incident, time that it occurred in the local time for the device, location, and easily viewed list of responding units.

- Incident notes for traffic events.

【免費個人化App】MontCo Emergency-APP點子

- Zoom from detail screen to individual incident location on map.

【免費個人化App】MontCo Emergency-APP點子

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免費玩MontCo Emergency App

MontCo Emergency APP LOGO

MontCo Emergency LOGO-APP點子

MontCo Emergency APP QRCode

MontCo Emergency QRCode-APP點子
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