



Get inspired or get knocked down, change your mood with MoodMaker!!Have a job where no one appreciates you? Or are you in a terrible relationship that you just know will get better, but none of your stupid friends will support you? Take heart! "MoodMaker!!" will not judge you! Listen to words of encouragement and inspiration to get you through those tough times!Or how about...Are you a rich and powerful person? Or maybe a rock star? We all know you're surrounded by "yes" people sucking up to you. No one tells you the truth. Well, no worries! Our app will give it to you straight! Get your daily dose of reality and get back to Earth where you belong!And what better way to change your mood than by winning the lottery!?!?! "MoodMaker!!" now includes a lottery number generator to help you choose your lucky numbers!Features include:- 60 Positive phrases to encourage you!- 60 Negative phrases to ground you!- Graphically intense buttons! Green for a boost, red for a knock down!- Phrases are said by both female and male voices to suit your mood!- Hollywood-level voice acting to get you truly inspired or truly wretched...okay maybe amateur radio acting level...- No profanity! You can safely use our app in the workplace where you need it the most...- Lottery number generator with option to configure number ranges



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