【實用攝影app】Moomin Photo|最夯免費app

【實用攝影app】Moomin Photo|最夯免費app


【免費攝影App】Moomin Photo-APP點子

Cute Moomin frames and stickers to decorate your photos. Everything before your eyes seems new like a new experience.With this easy-to-use app you can combine the views and characters of the Moomin Valley to your own photos. Whether you favourite is Snuffkin, Little My, Moomintroll or any other of these adorable creatures of Tove Jansson... Would you like to make and share memorable images with your favourite character? Moomin photo is a unique camera application for smart phone, which can take a picture with Moomin. Create the best pictures using many lovely frames and stamps of characters of Moominvalley, plants, and flowers?Record your precious moments with Moomin’s world and share the results with your special someone!There are many editing functions in the app. A stamp of an decorative object of Moomin’s world. Vividly rolling stamps.Free Hand drawing with a pen.Typing text. Save the results for further editing.You san share the picture on social media channels immediately! LINE Twitter Facebook... and email, Of course :)Download now and give your future feature wishes. We will add new stamps and frames and features.Just give us a little more time; we know you will be happy. SpinfyHP: http://www.spinfy.comFacebook: http://www.facebook.com/spinfyTwitter: http://twitter.com/spinfyThis application has been produced in co-operation with Spinfy, Moomin Characters (Finland), and SMC Tohoku Co., Ltd. (Japan)Jointly developed by Spinfy Oy and SMC Tohoku Co., Ltd.This app is officially approved by Moomin Charatcters Ltd. Finland.

【免費攝影App】Moomin Photo-APP點子

【免費攝影App】Moomin Photo-APP點子

【免費攝影App】Moomin Photo-APP點子

【免費攝影App】Moomin Photo-APP點子

【免費攝影App】Moomin Photo-APP點子

【免費攝影App】Moomin Photo-APP點子

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Moomin Photo APP LOGO

Moomin Photo LOGO-APP點子

Moomin Photo APP QRCode

Moomin Photo QRCode-APP點子
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