【實用個人化app】Mountains Sunset livewallpaper|最夯免費app

【實用個人化app】Mountains Sunset livewallpaper|最夯免費app


【免費個人化App】Mountains Sunset livewallpaper-APP點子

I love mountains! In mountains edelweisses flower on slopes, on the tops of mountains always winter.

Completely free interactive live wallpaper.

Mountains Sunset livewallpaper

- Flawless combination of high-quality images, taken at a certain theme in landscape format.

Additional advantage of these live wallpaper is the convenience of manual settings, the ability to select the manual mode viewing animations

the ability to connect the sound module.

In this updated version of the application taking into account all the wishes of users and corrected mistakes of previous releases.

1. Mountains Sunset livewallpaper


Backgrounds move automatically - settings allows you to choose a replacement mode.

Additional provision for fixing the selected background on the main screen.

The relevant section of the settings menu makes possible to control the speed of backgrounds transition.

In the settings the user can also choose the number, speed and motion path of additional animations.

【免費個人化App】Mountains Sunset livewallpaper-APP點子

Also, when you touch the center of the screen a sound heared that matches the wallpaper category.

Settings provided sound switch and volume control.

Installation Procedure Mountains Sunset livewallpaper


Option А:

1. Download

2. HOMESCREEN - Footer menu - wallpapers - live wallpapers


Option B:

Main menu - Select the application icon - set wallpaper.The live wallpaper provides a news section and notification of new programs and the top best apps from the developer.

Tell us the mail about your wishes and problems on installing and using the application.

Mountains Sunset livewallpaper

【免費個人化App】Mountains Sunset livewallpaper-APP點子

tested and stable runs on most popular models of the major manufacturers.

【免費個人化App】Mountains Sunset livewallpaper-APP點子

免費玩Mountains Sunset livewallpaper APP玩免費

免費玩Mountains Sunset livewallpaper App

Mountains Sunset livewallpaper APP LOGO

Mountains Sunset livewallpaper LOGO-APP點子

Mountains Sunset livewallpaper APP QRCode

Mountains Sunset livewallpaper QRCode-APP點子
Google Play



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