【實用運動app】Muhammad Ali HD|最夯免費app

【實用運動app】Muhammad Ali HD|最夯免費app


【免費運動App】Muhammad Ali HD-APP點子

Muhammad Ali, like you've never seen him before (in HD on iPad). Presenting over 3,200 photographs by Ken Regan from Ali's decades-spanning journey as "The Greatest."Mosaic Legends and Muhammad Ali Enterprises created this very special mosaic e-book to allow fans special access to the greatest boxing legend of all time.Zoom into the Mosaic cover and explore over 3,200 unique images full screen.Tap to read about each photograph, Ali anecdotes, quotes, stories about events and more.Write comments about any photo and read what other fans are saying.Send Ali images to friends to check out your favorite photos.Tap Chapters to learn about Ali quotes, facts and his timeline.There is nothing in the world like a Mosaic Legends interactive e-book. Add in Muhammad Ali and you have one very special keepsake to relive the glory who is "The Greatest!"

【免費運動App】Muhammad Ali HD-APP點子

【免費運動App】Muhammad Ali HD-APP點子

【免費運動App】Muhammad Ali HD-APP點子

【免費運動App】Muhammad Ali HD-APP點子

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