【實用音樂app】Music In Practice|最夯免費app

【實用音樂app】Music In Practice|最夯免費app


【免費音樂App】Music In Practice-APP點子

Want to play an instrument? Put off by hours of hard work? No problem! Music in Practice helps you and your children practice such powerful deep focus, that practice takes only a fraction of the time. Imagine your motivation soaring, when you realise that doing what your teacher says, can actually be fun. This app makes it easy & fun to follow your teacher's exact instructions, with a focus that you didn't believe was possible. Just type in your assignments at your lesson, check out "Practice Tempo" in the FAQs and be prepared for a welcome surprise or two at practice time.

Practice tips.

【免費音樂App】Music In Practice-APP點子

•1 Most people fail because they don't know how to practice an assignment. Get your teacher to tell you exactly how to do it, in sequential steps. There's room for up to 3 steps, on the App. Taking time to write these in, will make your practice session highly specific.

【免費音樂App】Music In Practice-APP點子

•2 Practice Tempo. You learn much faster when practice at a speed at which it can not go wrong.

【免費音樂App】Music In Practice-APP點子

•3 Musicians are micro athletes and need micro breaks during training. Step well away from your instrument and follow the suggestions on the App with energy. Always consult your health practitioner first if you have doubts about your ability to do so.

【免費音樂App】Music In Practice-APP點子

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