【實用音樂app】Music Timer - Stop Timer With Alerts And Night Light|最夯免費app

【實用音樂app】Music Timer - Stop Timer With Alerts And Night Light|最夯免費app


【免費音樂App】Music Timer - Stop Timer With Alerts And Night Light-APP點子

If you want your iPod music to play continuously for a set amount of time then this app is for you. You can pick individual songs from your iPod music library or pick an entire iPod playlist. The selected songs will loop for time duration set by you. The selected music playlist can be controlled using gestures when in night light mode. The alerts option in the app can be used to indicate passage of time and can be used during exercising, meditation, cooking, giving a professional massage and many other situations.How can the app be used?- This app is especially useful for someone who likes to sleep with music playing in the background.- If you exercise for a set amount of time and listen to music while exercising.- Fixed interval alerts can be used as an audio cue for changing the exercise.- If you meditate listening to your tracks for a fixed amount of time.- Can be used as a countdown timer as music stops when timer ends- Any other situation where you need to play music in a loop for a set amount of time- Afraid of darkness or prefer to have some light in the room while sleeping? This app can also be used as a night light by turning on the night light mode. This will reduce the light being emitted from the screen and keep the screen 'ON' while the app is in foreground.Features:- Plays music in loop for a set amount of time- Plays alert sounds at fixed intervals if needed- Pick one or many songs or an entire playlist from your iPod music library- The screen can be dimmed at a touch of a button and will remain 'ON' to work as a night light.- Ability to control the music being played using gestures from within the night light screen- Shows a countdown timer to indicate the remaining time- Music can be played in sequential or shuffle mode- Music and timer will work even if the phone is locked or the app is in background- Ability to resume playback when timer expires- Control app's audio playlist from the lock screenApp allows timer to be set for 20 minutes and this limitation can be removed by making an In-App purchase. So you can try before you buy!Note:- Tracks that are not available locally on the device will be excluded from the selected playlist. Example: Purchased items that are on the cloud.If you have any feedback/concerns/suggestions, write to feedback@productivecode.com.

【免費音樂App】Music Timer - Stop Timer With Alerts And Night Light-APP點子

【免費音樂App】Music Timer - Stop Timer With Alerts And Night Light-APP點子

【免費音樂App】Music Timer - Stop Timer With Alerts And Night Light-APP點子

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