【實用休閒app】My Doll's Dream Wardrobe|最夯免費app

【實用休閒app】My Doll's Dream Wardrobe|最夯免費app


【免費休閒App】My Doll's Dream Wardrobe-APP點子

Brr, it's so cold outside! What can these girls do to keep warm? Dress-up in some winter clothes, that's what! Doll's New Dress lets you dress-up Barbie girls in the most stylish winter season fashions. Pick out the most beautiful scarves, hats, mittens and earmuffs, place them on your Barbie girls and watch them strut their stuff. Don't forget the makeup!

These cute baby Barbie girls need a hand putting on their makeup and outfits for the cold weather. Work your fashion beauty magic as you choose the cutest sweaters, fuzzy mittens and hats to keep them warm in the cold while looking like a beauty at the same time! Barbie girls need to look their best and dress-up even when it's freezing outside. A little snow is no excuse for committing a fashion faux pas!


【免費休閒App】My Doll's Dream Wardrobe-APP點子

- Dress-up Barbie girls for the cold winter.

【免費休閒App】My Doll's Dream Wardrobe-APP點子

- Add makeup, accessories and jewelry to each model.

【免費休閒App】My Doll's Dream Wardrobe-APP點子

- Pick from the best winter fashions.

【免費休閒App】My Doll's Dream Wardrobe-APP點子

- Go from a cold and bland girl to a warm and stylish beauty!

How to Play:

【免費休閒App】My Doll's Dream Wardrobe-APP點子

- Use the touch screen to choose a Barbie to give a makeover to.

【免費休閒App】My Doll's Dream Wardrobe-APP點子

- Dress up each girl by choosing dresses, warm shoes and outfits.

【免費休閒App】My Doll's Dream Wardrobe-APP點子

- Apply makeup and pick out a beautiful hairstyle.


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