【實用教育app】My Marriage Coach|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】My Marriage Coach|最夯免費app


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My Marriage is an easy-to-use, free app that is a valuable resource for couples regardless of how long you have been married or what is (or isn’t) going on in your marriage and between you and your partner. My Marriage app is your quick reference guide to down-to-earth, solid information from a relationship expert who has been there so you can make a good marriage even better or repair a marriage damaged by months or years of disappointment, disillusionment and resentment.Falling in love is easy. Lasting love requires attitudes, beliefs, behaviors and relationship success skills that affirm and enhance each person and the marriage.Every marriage relationship is unique, but there are common warning signs and red flags that indicate problems in the marriage.• Are you still in love and seriously out of sync?• Do you still love each other but the spark and the joy of being together is gone?• Are you committed to staying in your marriage but some days it feels more like a prison sentence than a choice based on a value?• Do you recognize red flags and warning signs of problems in your marriage?• Do you let issues like finances, household chores or raising your children create a wedge or a distance between you and your partner?If you answered YES to just one of these questions then please consider taking matters into your own hands today! Help is available! Love + Self-knowledge + Partner-knowledge + the Essential Relationship Success Skills = a Happy, Lasting Relationship. It takes YOUR deliberate intention and attention to build and maintain a healthy, deeply joyful and lasting committed marriage. You have legitimate needs, your partner has legitimate needs and your marriage has legitimate needs.It’s time to get the information and know-how just like you did when you first started working at your job or in your field; or learning to ski or play tennis or paint! Couples who will benefit by using this app:• Pre-Committed (If you’re in a relationship and wondering, “Is this the right relationship for me?”)• Pre-Married (you know with clarity and certainty that you have found “the one,” and you are interested in developing marriage success skills and strategies and divorce-proofing and affair-proofing your marriage)• Newly-Married• New Parents• Couples Who Want to Make a Good Relationship Better• Couples in Trouble• Couples Facing Illness• Couples Facing the Death of one PartnerKey features of this app:• Read dozens of short articles jam-packed with info to help couples understand and strengthen your marriage relationship. • Listen to hours of podcast interviews with top relationship experts • Watch short video clips and learn more about the essential relationship success skills• Take Self-Assessments• Read Chapter 1 of “Couples & Money: Cracking the code to ending the #1 conflict in marriage”• Read Chapter 1 of “Love Like a Black Belt: Cracking the code to being a happy • Read Chapter 1 of “Meeting Your Match: Cracking the code to successful relationships”• Get Tips about essential relationship success skills.• Ask an expert about your BIGGEST relationship challenge and get the answer within 72-hours Give yourself an edge. Carve out time for you, your partner and your marriage.You can:• Reduce the conflict• Deepen the emotional connection you have• Build the positive in your marriage• Sharpen your essential marriage success skills You will have inevitable challenges. All couples do! Conflicts, disappointment and disillusionment are normal and are to be expected when two people weave their lives together and create the rich tapestry we call marriage.Get the information you need, learn the skills that can make a difference and live your best life with the love of your life starting today!

【免費教育App】My Marriage Coach-APP點子

【免費教育App】My Marriage Coach-APP點子

【免費教育App】My Marriage Coach-APP點子

【免費教育App】My Marriage Coach-APP點子

【免費教育App】My Marriage Coach-APP點子

【免費教育App】My Marriage Coach-APP點子

【免費教育App】My Marriage Coach-APP點子

【免費教育App】My Marriage Coach-APP點子

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