【實用醫療app】My Medical Info|最夯免費app

【實用醫療app】My Medical Info|最夯免費app


【免費醫療App】My Medical Info-APP點子

Store all your family's key medical data for emergencies and day to day use.

Key Features:

【免費醫療App】My Medical Info-APP點子

- People: Store data for multiple people

【免費醫療App】My Medical Info-APP點子

- Contacts: Store name, phone, fax, website and address for all you contacts (Doctor, dentist, vision, hospital, pharmacy, specialists, emergency, etc) and directly call, view website or show on map.

【免費醫療App】My Medical Info-APP點子

- Allergies: Store all your food, medical and other allergies

【免費醫療App】My Medical Info-APP點子

- Medications: Store all your current and past medications (and vitamins), dose and other data

【免費醫療App】My Medical Info-APP點子

- Facts: Store all your medical facts (Insurance information, current medical issues and other personal information). You can create store custom information, not just pre-determined data.

【免費醫療App】My Medical Info-APP點子

- History: Store all your history of illness, surgery, injury, vaccines, family history and any other customizable medical history

【免費醫療App】My Medical Info-APP點子

- Trends: Use to track items like weight, blood results, blood pressure or anything you want

- Password Protection: Optionally you can set and require a password to use this application

- Share: Share your data via email or other share option. This allows you to share info with a babysitter or print and take to doctor.

- Backup/Restore: Save a backup copy of your data

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免費玩My Medical Info App

My Medical Info APP LOGO

My Medical Info LOGO-APP點子

My Medical Info APP QRCode

My Medical Info QRCode-APP點子
Google Play
台灣 TaiwanAndroid
Google Play