【實用工具app】My Purchases Pro|最夯免費app

【實用工具app】My Purchases Pro|最夯免費app


【免費工具App】My Purchases Pro-APP點子

The app works again with version 1.3.0

【免費工具App】My Purchases Pro-APP點子

Google updated its play store and thus the app stopped working. I have rewritten the app to reflect the changes Google made and added new features. Please give it a try! :)


【免費工具App】My Purchases Pro-APP點子

Hands up, who misses the old overview the Google Play Store provided where you could see all your purchased apps in an instant? Sadly Google omitted this overview in the current versions of its store in favor of an overview which also lists all free apps.

This app bridges the gap and provides the missing overview over your purchased apps, books, music and even devices*.

The PRO version features no ads!

PLEASE NOTE: This is not an official Google app!

If no apps show up after loading please contact me. 1-Star reviews won't help me nor the app. I could help everyone who mailed me and fix their problems!

* The display of purchased apps depends on how many apps you have purchased. There is a chance that not all items are listed. This is because Google keeps the list limited at some point.

【免費工具App】My Purchases Pro-APP點子

免費玩My Purchases Pro APP玩免費

免費玩My Purchases Pro App

My Purchases Pro APP LOGO

My Purchases Pro LOGO-APP點子

My Purchases Pro APP QRCode

My Purchases Pro QRCode-APP點子
Google Play


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