【實用教育app】My Very Own English Colors|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】My Very Own English Colors|最夯免費app


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Audio available in English.French, Portuguese, Spanish, German, Italian and Mandarin Chinese audio are available with an in-app purchase.Are you looking to help your child learn his colors and build his vocabulary? Do you want to help them learn words in additional languages as well as in English?This App provides an interactive and fun way to learn basic colors where it's as easy as uploading your own photos and labeling the words yourself to create your very own colors book for your child. If your child loves looking at photos of his favorite people, places, and things, and also enjoys engaging activities where he can interact with letters, sounds, and pictures, this App provides a personalized learning experience and lets you choose the images to use based on what your child will like the most. Choose from preloaded images with corresponding English words, or load your own pictures and words. Kids will love hearing the sound of familiar voices and seeing a photo of recognizable faces or objects, as they start to learn and associate familiar colors with the words they already know and use every day. Older children will also enjoy this App to build upon their basic vocabulary and then progress to learn more advanced word recognition skills. With an In-App purchase, kids will be able to learn words in multiple languages. They can even help label photos of common items around your household, and then practice identifying the word with the picture. Features* Child tested and approved; universal app for the iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch* Efficient design makes it easy to add new pictures for each color.* Over 70 preloaded images for 12 colors.* Colors, words and audio are all in English (Additional languages are available with in-app purchase).* Access to your photo library and device camera to create or upload your own pictures.* Share your creations with friends and family on Facebook or via E-Mail.Customize* Easy to create new images for any of the colors.* Record either your or your child's voice labeling the custom images.* The images on each page change every time the page is viewed which helps keep kids engaged to reinforce learning.Play* Cover page with interactive color blocks where you can turn over colors to show images and hear the word.* Each of the 12 colors pages contain words and images that play English or any of the available audio languages.* Choose "Read to Me" automatic playback mode, or let your child control all of the action.

【免費教育App】My Very Own English Colors-APP點子

【免費教育App】My Very Own English Colors-APP點子

【免費教育App】My Very Own English Colors-APP點子

【免費教育App】My Very Own English Colors-APP點子

【免費教育App】My Very Own English Colors-APP點子

【免費教育App】My Very Own English Colors-APP點子

【免費教育App】My Very Own English Colors-APP點子

【免費教育App】My Very Own English Colors-APP點子

【免費教育App】My Very Own English Colors-APP點子

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這個程序字母表講學習目標兒童。你可以學到有趣的聲音和圖片。 - 此功能 - ■當你點擊圖片你發音的字。將移動圖片。■振動打開/關閉是可能的。■鎖定各個按鈕鎖定按鈕“音量”按鈕“返回”主頁“按鈕”是可能的。為孩子託付給還安全★注意事項·您將看到一個列表應用到我們的應用程序,以實施的能力,鎖定主頁按鈕, …
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