【實用醫療app】Myeloma Post|最夯免費app

【實用醫療app】Myeloma Post|最夯免費app


【免費醫療App】Myeloma Post-APP點子

An Android App from the International Myeloma Foundation

【免費醫療App】Myeloma Post-APP點子

The MYELOMA POST is a new Android application developed by the International Myeloma Foundation (IMF), the oldest and largest myeloma non-profit, dedicated to improving the quality of life of multiple myeloma patients and their families while searching for a cure.

【免費醫療App】Myeloma Post-APP點子

The MYELOMA POST has been developed to serve as a gateway to the educational, research, support and advocacy programs and information on the IMF’s website (myeloma.org). Regular, often daily, updates provide access to medical news, educational programs, quality of life support resources, and advocacy activities, in addition to patient, caregiver, and medical blogs and communities.

【免費醫療App】Myeloma Post-APP點子

Aware that patients and family members gather and understand complicated medical information in different ways, the IMF supplies that information through patient and professional publications, practice guidelines, webcasts from medical meetings and patient & family seminars, monitored communities, and archived teleconferences with experts in the field, including nurses, social workers, legal advisors and peer counselors.

【免費醫療App】Myeloma Post-APP點子

The app can be easily customized from within the admin of the IMF website for specific groups within the myeloma community, such as the Support Group Leaders, so that they can have a version of the POST that directly serves their unique needs (i.e., dealing with the psychological needs of a group and planning activities).

【免費醫療App】Myeloma Post-APP點子

The MYELOMA POST, as are all the services of the International Myeloma Foundation, is made available free for all interested in multiple myeloma.

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Myeloma Post APP LOGO

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Myeloma Post APP QRCode

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