【實用生活app】NORM-Note, Reminder, Messaging|最夯免費app

【實用生活app】NORM-Note, Reminder, Messaging|最夯免費app


【免費生活App】NORM-Note, Reminder, Messaging-APP點子

To Do List is an application for reminds the events for users. The events will be daily, weekly, monthly etc...The events are meeting, birthday, anniversary, calling & message.

“Whatever it is the action will be reminds you on time”

Home screen contains list of notes that we have already entered like today, upcoming, find and add new events. If we click Today option it shows the list of notes based on time. If we click upcoming option it shows list of coming events. This month contains events of this month. Find option is used for view events of user's wish. If we want new list, click add option.

Special features of NORM is scheduling messages and calling automatically.

NORM is a powerful to-do task management tool with a simple and completely customization user interface. It allows you to quickly and easily track and organize all of your to-do tasks.

【免費生活App】NORM-Note, Reminder, Messaging-APP點子

【免費生活App】NORM-Note, Reminder, Messaging-APP點子

【免費生活App】NORM-Note, Reminder, Messaging-APP點子

【免費生活App】NORM-Note, Reminder, Messaging-APP點子

【免費生活App】NORM-Note, Reminder, Messaging-APP點子

免費玩NORM-Note, Reminder, Messaging APP玩免費

免費玩NORM-Note, Reminder, Messaging App

NORM-Note, Reminder, Messaging APP LOGO

NORM-Note, Reminder, Messaging LOGO-APP點子

NORM-Note, Reminder, Messaging APP QRCode

NORM-Note, Reminder, Messaging QRCode-APP點子
Google Play


Tu vi 2015

Nanm 2015 la nam At Mui-Nam con De. Moi Chung ta ai cung hoi hop vatrong mong va nhung dieu tot dep va nhieu may man se den trong nam at mui.免費玩Tu vi …
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