【實用教育app】NSW HSC Maths 2U Formula|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】NSW HSC Maths 2U Formula|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】NSW HSC Maths 2U Formula-APP點子

This is the perfect free learning app for maths students to study maths formulas anywhere, anytime using their phone/tablet. It is designed specifically for New South Wales Higher School Certificate Mathematics (2 unit) students and year 10 students.

It is the ideal app for the students to

• study formulas on the go, in their spare time (such as on the train),

【免費教育App】NSW HSC Maths 2U Formula-APP點子

• look up formulas quickly and easily while they are doing their homework using the featured alphabetical index

• prepare for tests, assessments and the HSC examination using the topics listing.

Following the NSW HSC Mathematics syllabus, the topics included in this app are:

【免費教育App】NSW HSC Maths 2U Formula-APP點子

• Basic Algebra and Arithmetic

• Plane Geometry

【免費教育App】NSW HSC Maths 2U Formula-APP點子

• Probability

• Real functions and graphs

【免費教育App】NSW HSC Maths 2U Formula-APP點子

• Trigonometry ratios and functions

• Linear functions and Coordinate geometry

【免費教育App】NSW HSC Maths 2U Formula-APP點子

• Series and applications

• Quadratic polynomial and parabola

【免費教育App】NSW HSC Maths 2U Formula-APP點子

• Calculus – Differentiation and Integration

• Logarithmic and Exponential functions

The formulas can be viewed either by an alphabetical index or by topic. The ’Alphabetical Index’ is designed so that the student can quickly lookup formulas whilst doing homework or revision. The ’Formulas by Topics’ feature has been designed to be used while preparing for assessments and the HSC examination.

In order to enhance the learning experience, many formulas have graphical illustrations. Most formulas also include examples to demonstrate the meaning and application of the formulas.

This app includes many features including an attractive colour scheme to highlight formulas, graphs and diagrams, an easy-to-use main menu buttons containing the formulas by alphabetical index and by topics, and buttons to navigate between the various screens.


【免費教育App】NSW HSC Maths 2U Formula-APP點子

Study aid for Australia NSW HSC maths 2U formula.

A maths homework and study companion

Formula summary

New South Wales Higher School Certificate mathematics

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NSW HSC Maths 2U Formula APP LOGO

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NSW HSC Maths 2U Formula APP QRCode

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