



Neotriad is a collaboration and personal planning system, focused in helping you organize your time for those truly important things. It has a series of concepts, based on the productivity methodology from the Triad of Time, the homonym bestseller. Our company is an expert in the subject, investing in researches and new methods of improving personal and corporate productivity.

In this version for Android, we initially offer a synthesis of resources from the online version:

- Synchronization with Neotriad.com

- Tasks, appointments and contacts

- Information management

- Creation of roles (parent, professional, student, etc.) to associate with your activities

- Classification of activities using the Triad of Time concept and measurement of daily hours


- Articles and news on personal productivity

- Delegation of activities for teams

In our online version, you have access to all productivity and time management resources, some of them being:

- The most complete online personal planning and time management system

- Several prioritization and planning wizards

- Exclusive Productivity Expert that analyzes how you use your time and suggests improvements

- Goal & project management


- Knowledge management resources

- Work team management

- Performance reports and several productivity indicators

- File storage and sharing

- Timesheet and different filters and reports for the management of working hours

- Classification of activities according to the Triad of Time concept, with comparative reports of improvement

- Synchronization with Microsoft Outlook, Neotriad Desktop (Required Neotriad.com account)


Try our online version free of charge at www.neotriad.com


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