【實用教育app】Network Management & Security|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】Network Management & Security|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】Network Management & Security-APP點子

This unique application is for all students across the world. It covers 142 topics of Network management and security in detail. These 142 topics are divided in 6 units.

Each topic is around 600 words and is complete with diagrams, equations and other forms of graphical representations along with simple text explaining the concept in detail.

This USP of this application is "ultra-portability". Students can access the content on-the-go from anywhere they like.

Basically, each topic is like a detailed flash card and will make the lives of students simpler and easier.

Some of topics Covered in this application are:

1. Introduction to Network security

2. Security attacks

3. Active and Passive attacks

4. Security Services

5. Security Mechanisms

6. A Model Of Inter Network Security

7. Internet Standards

8. Internet Standards and RFC’S

9. Buffer Overflow

10. Format String Vulnerability

11. Session Hijacking

12. UDP Session Hijacking

13. Route Table Modification

14. Address resolution protocol attacks

15. Man-in-the-middle attack

16. Conventional Encryption principles

17. Cryptography

18. Cryptanalysis

19. Substitution Encryption Techniques

20. Playfair Ciphers

21. Hill Cipher

22. Polyalphabetic Ciphers

23. Pigpen Cipher

24. Transposition techniques

25. Feistel Cipher Structure

26. Feistel Cipher Decryption

27. Conventional Encryption Algorithms

28. S-DES key generation

29. S-DES Encryption

30. Data Encryption Standard

31. Single round of DES algorithm

32. Triple Data Encryption Standard

33. International Data Encryption Standard

34. Blowfish Algorithm

35. Blowfish Encryption Decryption

36. Advanced encryption standard

37. S-AES Encryption and Decryption

38. S-AES key expansion

39. The AES Cipher

40. Substitute Bytes Transformation

41. ShiftRows Transformation

42. MixColumns Transformation

43. AddRoundKey Transformation

44. AES Key Expansion

45. AES Decryption

46. Cipher Block modes of Operation

47. Cipher Block modes of Operation

48. Cipher Block Chaining Mode

49. Cipher Feed Back Mode

50. Output Feedback Mode

51. Counter Mode

52. Message authentication

53. Message Authentication Code

54. Message Authentication Code Based on DES

【免費教育App】Network Management & Security-APP點子

55. Hash function

56. MD5 Message Digest Algorithm

57. MD5 Compression Function

58. Secure Hash Algorithm

59. RIPEMD-160

60. HMAC

61. Public key Cryptography

62. Attack on Public-key Cryptography

63. Applications for public-key cryptosystems

64. RSA algorithm

65. Fermat's and Euler's theorem

66. Security of RSA

67. Key Management

68. Public-key authority

69. Public-key certificates

70. Public Key Distribution of Secret Keys

71. Diffie-Hellman key exchange

72. Man-in-the-Middle Attack on Deffie-Hellman protocol

73. Elliptic curve cryptography

74. Cryptography with Elliptic Curves

75. Digital Signature

76. Digital Signature Standard

77. Kerberos

78. Kerberos Version 4 Authentication Dialogue

79. Overview of Kerberos

80. Kerberos Realms

81. Kerberos version 5

82. X.509 Authentication Service

83. Authentication Procedures

84. X.509 Version 3

85. Pretty Good Privacy

86. Pretty good privacy Operation

87. Cryptographic Keys and Key Rings

88. PGP Message Format

89. PGP Key Rings

90. PGP Message Transmission and Reception

91. Public Key Management

92. The Use of Trust

93. Operation of Trust Processing

94. PGP - Web of Trust

95. S/MIME

96. MIME Content Types

97. MIME Transfer Encodings

98. MIME canonical form

99. S/MIME Functionality

100. S/MIME Messages

101. S/MIME Certificate Processing

102. Radix-64 Conversion

103. IP Security Overview

104. Applications of IPSec

105. Benefits of IPSec

106. IP Security Architecture

107. Security Associations

108. IPSec Authentication Header

【免費教育App】Network Management & Security-APP點子

109. Anti-Replay Service

110. Integrity Check Value

All topics are not listed because of character limitations set by the Play Store.

【免費教育App】Network Management & Security-APP點子

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