



NewsPro is a full-featured RSS and ATOM Feed Newreader for the iPad with a very intuitive interface.Read your favorite News directly on your iPad at anytime and everywhere you want. NewsPro supports offline reading, so you can read your loaded news also when you have no Internet connection. If you are not familiar with RSS or ATOM Newsfeeds, NewsPro will do the work for you. NewsPro detects embedded feeds on your favorite Pages and presents them in a convenient selection, so that you can simply press the "Add Feed" function and you are done. But NewsPro supports also the possibility to enter RSS and ATOM Feed Addresses directly, if you are more familiar with News Feeds.News sources can be gathered from Websites, Twitter, Blogs, Forums and pretty much from anywhere you see an RSS link or symbol online.There is no limitation in the number of Feeds you can add to NewsPro like other News Readers have, except the amount of free Memory in your Device.NewsPro also supports creating and managing of Groupfolders. In these Folders you can combine your Newssources, as you want. You can create for example a Folder "Sport" and put all your Sport Newssources in that Folder. Then you can read all the News of this Folder by simply tapping on that Folder. But you can still read single Newsfeeds out of a folder by selecting that single Feed inside of that Folder.In NewsPro you can also create powerful Smart Folders. With Smart Folders you can define and store your own search. For example: Do you want to see all News with the word "iPad" inside the News? Or you want to see all the News you don't have read already? Simply create a Smart Folder with your needs and find the News you are searching for. And don't worry. There is no limitation to the number of Smart Folders. You can add and modify as much Smart Folders as you need.But what happens when you quickly wand to search for a word, where you don't want to create a Smart Folder for? No problem. NewsPro supports Quick Search inside of each single News Feed, Group Folders and also in Smart Folders. Simply type the word in the Quick Search Field and you will see the News you are interested in. Some core features:✭ Download of embedded images for offline viewing✭ Smart Folders to find the news you want✭ Quick Search to instantly find the News you want✭ Possibility to organize feeds in Group Folders by simply dragging the feed with your finger under the selected folder✭ Folders can be collapsed to save space on the screen✭ Integrated mini browser to read the original website of a news✭ Sharing news via the integrated Email function✭ Share news to Instapaper. Also support for password protected accounts.✭ You can also copy images of news, news text or URLs to the clipboard, so that you can paste them inside the place you need them. Great for professional bloggers.✭ New News are gathered in the background, so that you can go on with reading while NewsPro is looking for new News✭ Support for different Themes. So you can select one of the nice Theme you want. And yes, these Themes are Free not like in other News Readers.NewsPro is also tested and optimized for use with the upcoming iOS 4.2.And this is first the beginning. Other great features for NewsPro are already in work!





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