



An average person spend around 10-15 minutes playing with the phone on chats, games and other apps before finally calling it a day. Those 10-15 minutes which we spend on the phone after turning the room lights off hurts our eyes most. After remaining awake for almost 18 hours in a day’s stretch, eyes get really tired and need some rest but casually we expose them to the harsh brightness of the mobile screen right at the moment when it’s time to sleep. Those 10-15 minutes are the worst treatment we give to our eyes in a whole day or in other words that can be termed as “Extended Strain”. To recover from this extended strain the sleeping hours has got extended but we barely notice the cause. Adding some more damage, during night time we keep our mobile devices much closer to the eyes than any other time in whole day. Summarizing without going in much details, it hurts the eyes and the quality of sleep.

Nightly lets you control the brightness of your screen during those late hours and make it automated.

Just click on the Nightly app icon and it dims your screen. To remove the dimming, click on the Nightly app icon or (X) on the ongoing notification.

Enable automatic dimming at specified time. For example set the nightly dimming time at 10:00 PM and the app will automatically dim the brightness. If you don't want to dim just click on the app icon or (X) button on the notification the dimming stops

You can customize the brightness value in the Nightly settings. To open settings just click on the ongoing notification.




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