



On May 3, 1933, a credit union, currently known as NorthPark Community Credit Union, was organized under a state charter and named Pitman Moore Employees Credit Union. The original charter was signed by 8 founding members of the credit union. The original investment in shares was a whopping $35.00! At the time of its' first annual meeting, 116 members had savings totaling $2, 987, and 55 members had borrowed $2,443 for a net profit of $57.83.In a report to the membership dated September 30, 1958, Pitman Moore Employees Credit Union held its' annual meeting at the Warren Hotel. Membership had grown to 900 members, with total member savings at $555,217; total loans of $776,300, and total assets of $914,843. The BOD had grown to 9 members. Within the report, it was noted that the Pitman Moore Company had been assisting the credit union since its' beginning in 1933; however, it was reported in 1958 that the credit union was paying all of its' own expenses, including salaries. The company was still giving space to the credit union to operate.In August 1969, Pitman Moore Employees Credit Union became known as Dow Employees Credit Union after Pitman Moore was bought by Dow Chemical Company. At that time, there were 3 Full-Time employees, Wm. G. Small, Mgr; Dolores Daeger, and Marcia Schooler. The credit union was now located in their new building at the corner of Zionsville Road and 96th Street (current location of the main office). Member savings totaled $1,792,655; member loans totaled $1,722,711; and assets were $2,038,004.On July 3, 2003, Dow Employees Credit Union became a community-chartered credit union. At that same time, the name was changed to NorthPark Community Credit Union. And things have changed!• Field of Membership(FOM) now includes Dow Chemical and its' worldwide affiliates, Bartholomew County, Boone County, Brown County, Clinton County, Decatur County, Hamilton County, Hendricks County, Henry County, Johnson County, Madison County, Monroe County, Montgomery County, Morgan County, Owen County, Putnam County, Rush County, Shelby County, Tipton County and most of Marion County.• NPCCU has 3 full-service branches, with one branch still operating on the Dow AgroSciences campus. • NPCCU has grown to 20 employees. One thing that hasn't changed is NPCCU's commitment to our membership! Whether we are providing services to 8 members in 1933 to over 6700 members in 2011, we continue to focus on A-1 member service! After all, that is what sets us apart from all those banks down the street!





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