



New healthy plates at your fingertips! Created by a dietitian, NuPlate helps you find healthier meals all around you.Features:Search: Trying to eat healthier but don’t know where to eat? Use NuPlate to find healthier meals in your area! NuPlate utilizes your geographic location to help find healthier menu items at restaurants close to you. Sort your results by calories of the menu item or the distance of the restaurant from your location. Results can also be filtered by menu category and calories, carbs, fat, protein, sodium, or sugar of the menu item. Check in: Is your favorite restaurant’s menu items not currently available on NuPlate? Use the “check in” function to notify us and we will do everything in our power to obtain their nutritional information.Help us in expanding our nutritional database by using the “check in” feature to notify us of restaurants that need to be added to our network. Whether it’s your favorite place to eat or a new restaurant you have never visited, if their nutritional information is not available on NuPlate please notify us so we can work to build a better NuPlate for everyone.Soon, you will be able to use the “check in” feature to obtain special offers from your favorite restaurants.Database: Already know where you’re going to eat? Search our restaurant database to find their healthier menu items.Unfortunately NuPlate does not have every single restaurant in our database......yet. But, we working hard everyday adding new restaurants and menu items for our users. We would love for your help in expanding our nutritional database by sending us suggestions or using the “check in” feature to notify us of restaurants that need to be added to our network. About Us:At NuPlate, our goal is not only to help you make better choices when dining out, we also hope to promote a movement for healthier practices throughout the entire restaurant industry. We believe that everything can be enjoyed in moderation on a healthy diet. However, a problem we see in the restaurant industry is HUGE portions loaded with calories, saturated fat, and sodium. Our mission at NuPlate is to help users sort through these calorie traps to find healthier, more appropriately portioned meals that can also be easier on the wallet. By using NuPlate to find healthier meal options at your favorite restaurants or “checking in” to restaurants whose menus are not yet available in our database, we can send a message to the restaurant industry that customers want healthier choices.By encouraging restaurants to cut down on portion sizes and using fresh, healthier ingredients we can help cut down on food waste and promote the use of locally grown foods. Not only resulting in healthier menu items, but also helping to promote more economic activity within the community.The more users that join us in our cause, the more difficult our mission will be to ignore. So join the NuPlate movement and help us with our efforts of promoting a healthier tomorrow!




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デリコ推命術-占い 相性 運命分析 今日の占い 恋愛運 金運

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