



NumberSystem provides a fun and challenging way for teachers to review the Number Systems with their students and offers parents and special needs teachers a unique and exciting way to reinforce concepts taught in the classroom.



Students are given a brief tutorial review of each of the most common number systems (Real, Rational, Irrational, Integer, Whole Numbers, Natural/Counting Numbers. The tutorial provides descriptions in plain, easy to understand language and offers multiple examples of the numbers belonging to that group. In addition, the students are given a number line illustration of the numbers in that system to reinforce the pattern.



In Practice mode, the students are given a number and must select each number system to which that number belongs. Additionally, the student must identify the Most Specific name that can be applied to that number. Selecting “Check-It” will indicate each selection the student made correctly. Number Systems correctly selected receive a check as do Number Systems correctly left blank. Number Systems that are misidentified or are left out receive an “X”. In practice mode, a graphic showing the number system’s relationships is provided. Students may select any number system from the graphic for a reminder of what belongs in that system.



Quiz mode allows the student to test their knowledge with the hints unavailable. A pie chart shows their progress in the given test. A bar graph tracks their progress over multiple tests. Awards are given when the student achieves 80%, 90%, and 100% correct responses. A student who answers every question correctly receives a gold star. Once achieved, the gold star will track the number of times 100% correctness is attained.



Middle School Common Core Standards Addressed:


6.NS.5 – Understand that positive and negative numbers are used together to describe quantities having opposite directions or values.

6.NS.6 – Understand a rational number as a point on the number line.

8.NS.1 – Know that numbers that are not rational are called irrational

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