【實用教育app】Numbers and Counting - Teacher TIlly|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】Numbers and Counting - Teacher TIlly|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】Numbers and Counting - Teacher TIlly-APP點子

Demo of the app: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_thMlIxH2tUAGES: 2 - 6LEARN ABOUT:* Number recognition* Counting* Number sequence* Numbers 1 - 20 FEATURES:* Practice counting, number recognition and sequencing while exploring.* Learn from every answer, even the wrong ones.* Early math skills.* Positive verbal reinforcement.* Child-friendly navigation.* Fun surprises as rewards. Mini games:* 1: Where can you buy....? Answer by touching the numbers on the floor on the screen.* 2: Which shop is at number ...?* 3: One of the shopnumbers is missing. Can you help me find the right one?* 4: How many .... do you see? Answer by touching the numbers on the floor on the screen.* 5: Touch the gumballs with the number....Numbers 1-20 are lots of fun with teacher Tilly in this interactive app!Created by educational experts. Numbers & counting with Tilly is an interactive app that helps kids practice essential early math skills. It's a perfect teaching tool for number identification and counting skills combining exciting game play with fun music and positive feedback. It's fun and easy for kids to use. What other people are saying about my app:* Numbers and Counting – Teacher Tilly is a fun and charming way for kids to learn their numbers. Kids will enjoy playing along with Tilly and becoming more confident as they progress. --- http://www.bestappsforkids.org/* It’s a collection of five mini games suitable for juniors ages 2+ to practice their basic numbers and counting skills.---- http://www.geekswithjuniors.com/Privacy PolicyAs parents ourselves, we take your kids privacy seriously. To that end, we've established the following privacy policy. Numbers & counting· Does not collect, access or transmit any personal information.· Does not contain any ads.· Does not contain any in-app purchases.· Does not contain any social media integration.· Does not contain links out of the app.Please contact us at info@jufjannie.nl with any questions or concerns.

【免費教育App】Numbers and Counting - Teacher TIlly-APP點子

【免費教育App】Numbers and Counting - Teacher TIlly-APP點子

【免費教育App】Numbers and Counting - Teacher TIlly-APP點子

【免費教育App】Numbers and Counting - Teacher TIlly-APP點子

【免費教育App】Numbers and Counting - Teacher TIlly-APP點子

【免費教育App】Numbers and Counting - Teacher TIlly-APP點子

【免費教育App】Numbers and Counting - Teacher TIlly-APP點子

【免費教育App】Numbers and Counting - Teacher TIlly-APP點子

【免費教育App】Numbers and Counting - Teacher TIlly-APP點子

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Numbers and Counting - Teacher TIlly APP QRCode

Numbers and Counting - Teacher TIlly QRCode-APP點子
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