【實用生活app】Numerology for car plates|最夯免費app

【實用生活app】Numerology for car plates|最夯免費app


【免費生活App】Numerology for car plates-APP點子

Do you know which is the meaning of your vehicle's plate in numerology? Find out which is the number and characteristics of your vehicle's plate with this app. Numerology is a pseudoscience where mathematical operations based on characters and numbers can be construed to modify or predict the future or personality characteristics. Based on that we develop this app, which by calculation, it will show you the number in numerology of your vehicle's plate as well as the characteristic of this number. Features- Calculation of the numerical value of letters and numbers - Can also be used to find out the numerical value of the names of individuals, companies, etc. Remarks- The characteristic provided are based on studies of numerology, thus, several other factors may or may not alter the characteristic to the number that is provided by this application. - This free version contains advertising. Send your suggestions acessing our website at www.robsonpreviato.com.br/contact

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