【實用健康app】Nutrient Guide|最夯免費app

【實用健康app】Nutrient Guide|最夯免費app


【免費健康App】Nutrient Guide-APP點子

Nutrient Guide shows in a simple manner the nutrient contents of various foods. You can easily browse foods to see how the energy is distributed between carbs, protein, fat, and fiber.

You can keep track of what you eat by adding foods to the food journal. It's a great tool for tracking your daily intake if you are trying to stick to a certain diet, or if you just want to be aware of what you eat.

Features include:

• A summary of your last week, where you can easily track your progress and check if you are meeting your goals.

【免費健康App】Nutrient Guide-APP點子

• Set up a calory goal, either manually or automatically.

• Set up macronutrient goals, either in grams of percent of energy.

• Food Journal that helps you keep track of what you eat.

• Fast and easy searching for foods.

• Macronutrient composition can be shown in grams or energy percent.

• Energy can be shown in calories (kcal) or kjoule.

【免費健康App】Nutrient Guide-APP點子

• Sharing of the results on Twitter, Facebook or via email.

• Builtin calculator when adding foods to the Journal, allowing you to enter e.g. "680 / 4" or "120 + 40".

• Food amounts can be entered by weight, or when available, by volume or portion size.

• Marking foods as favorites for quick and easy access.

• Adding custom foods for anything that is not included in the database.

【免費健康App】Nutrient Guide-APP點子

• Easily copy foods from one day to another in the journal.

【免費健康App】Nutrient Guide-APP點子

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Nutrient Guide APP LOGO

Nutrient Guide LOGO-APP點子

Nutrient Guide APP QRCode

Nutrient Guide QRCode-APP點子
美國 (U.S.A)iOS
App Store


CareMe Health

CareMe Health是雲境科技初次推出的手機應用程式,涵蓋了健康知識庫以及健康記錄的功能,希望能讓您在面臨疾病的困擾時有足夠的支持力量。在健康知識庫中您可以瀏覽不同主題(包含心血管腦中風、糖尿病與腎臟病、婦女嬰幼兒保健、肥胖與新陳代謝、照護醫療資源、自然養生與美容)中各位受訪者的談論內容與影像 …