【實用醫療app】Nutritional Medicine pocket|最夯免費app

【實用醫療app】Nutritional Medicine pocket|最夯免費app


【免費醫療App】Nutritional Medicine pocket-APP點子

The Nutritional Medicine pocket App was created in response to the increasing importance of nutrition in virtually every aspect of health and medicine. Even as technology and molecular medicine advance, it is the interaction of diet and nutrients from the environment on our metabolism and epigenome that dictate levels of health, expression of disease, and responses to therapy. The app is for physicians, nurses, dieticians, and allied health professionals seeking readily accessible information spanning the breadth of nutrition. The app was designed for the dieticians and clinicians to be able to find the most relevant and up to date information regarding a particular nutritional problem quickly and easily. It contains pertinent information for treating inpatients and outpatients, with basic and advanced concepts, to be used as needed during hospital rounds or in clinic.The app includes diagnostic and treatment guidelines, management algorithms, useful scores and scales, and drug administration tables detailing latest commonly used drugs. App Highlights:1.       Mini nutritional assessment score by Nestle Nutrition Institute2.       Interactive calculators on BMI, Ideal body weight, Body surface area, DRI’s3.       Guidelines from SIGN, AACE, TOS, ASMBS and NICE (UK) about various aspects of nutrition, medical conditions, syndromes, and various remedial procedures4.       Screening tools like MUST, A.S.P.E.N., patient generated subjective global assessment to assess malnutrition and various equations for determine calorie requirements5.       Latest dietary reference intakes (DRIs) tables from the Food and Nutrition Information Center (FNIC) are available in easy interactive format6.       Role of comprehensive obesity management in bariatric procedures7.       Enteral and parenteral nutrition support8.       ICD-9 and the latest ICD-10 codes9.       Lab values Functionality of the app:1.       Notes, Bookmarks2.       Indexed and full text search3.       History4.       Optimized for iPhone 5/5s and iOS 75.       Font change feature6.       Split-view for iPad

【免費醫療App】Nutritional Medicine pocket-APP點子

【免費醫療App】Nutritional Medicine pocket-APP點子

【免費醫療App】Nutritional Medicine pocket-APP點子

【免費醫療App】Nutritional Medicine pocket-APP點子

【免費醫療App】Nutritional Medicine pocket-APP點子

【免費醫療App】Nutritional Medicine pocket-APP點子

【免費醫療App】Nutritional Medicine pocket-APP點子

【免費醫療App】Nutritional Medicine pocket-APP點子

【免費醫療App】Nutritional Medicine pocket-APP點子

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